Accidents happen, and when they do, Gear Aid’s Tenacious Tape Black – 7cm x 50cm is here to quickly and effectively fix rips, tears, and damage to your outdoor gear. Whether it’s your puffy coat, tent, ski pants, or other technical fabrics, this weatherproof tape is the ultimate repair solution.
Key Highlights:
Weatherproof and Ultra-Strong: Tenacious Tape is built to withstand the elements. Its ultra-strong adhesive forms a permanent bond with various outdoor fabrics, including nylon, vinyl, rubber, and plastic.
Easy Application: Applying this tape is simple. Just peel and stick it onto the damaged area. No need for sewing or heat application.
Versatile Use: Use Tenacious Tape for a variety of quick fixes. Repair your tent, hammock, ski gear, puffy coat, and more. It’s also suitable as vinyl repair tape.
Machine Washable: After applying the tape, wait 24 hours, and it becomes machine washable, ensuring your gear stays clean and functional.
Crystal Black: The Black Tenacious Tape offers a discreet solution that blends seamlessly with your gear. It’s barely noticeable, yet incredibly effective.
Product Specifications:
Material: Vinyl
Color: Black
Size: 7cm x 50cm strip
Application: Peel and stick
Adheres to: Nylon, polyester, fleece, vinyl, rubber, non-oiled leather, and GORE-TEX fabric
Application Temperature: Room temperature
Removable: Yes
Washable: Yes
Storage: Store in a bag or container
Weight (grams per square meter): Black 90 gsm
When your outdoor adventures take an unexpected turn, be prepared with Gear Aid Tenacious Tape Black – 7cm x 50cm, the reliable and versatile solution for all your repair needs. Stay outdoors longer with the confidence that your gear can be swiftly fixed and restored.
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